Thursday, December 19, 2019

Game Journalism Day 3 - the difference


What's the difference?

There is a stamina bar when the seeker chases you now
There are now bobble heads you can collect in towns
There are also new towns to be discovered
they also have new dialog

What did you do today?

Al i did today was collect materials like wood, nails, rope and fiberl

What did you learn?

I learned that you can tap run and jump in a perfect sequence to use absolutely no stamina when you are running away from the seeker.
Desert Skies is a game about surviving from "The Seeker" while collecting materials around towns that you travel to.

What will you do next day?

- I will attempt to kill the seeker with gold bullets

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Game Journalism Day 2 - The Seeker

What did you do today?

I had to restart the game because it wouldn't start

  • image of seeker

  • image of a town from the air

  • image of your airship

What did you learn?

You can press spacebar when you open the chest to instantly collect it

You can collect as much materials in the first town without the seeker coming so you can take advantage and collect tons of wood and fiber from trees and cactus

You can craft your stone axe from a crafting table in the first town

These are the items that you can eat to satisfy your hunger

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Desert Skies Game Journalism

What type of game is this?

Desert Skies is a game about surviving from "The Seeker" while collecting materials around towns that you travel to.

What do you do today to win the game?

I collected materials and ran away from the seeker.

Explain what you see and how to win the game?

You can see materials lying on the ground, sand, cactus, water wells, houses, taverns, bars, The Seeker and mountains in the background. You can win by surviving from the seeker and collecting items and materials to advance further into the game.

Items to collect

there are many materials to collect but the most important are..



And of course water

This is the game you're in, it's a plain desert with towns here and there.

Here is an example

there are also caves you can find inside mountains

My plan for tomorrow..

I want to collect more items and advance further into the game.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Coding Day 7

Day 7

What I Have Created

What I Have Learned
  • The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration should always be the first line of code in your HTML files. This lets the browser know what version of HTML to expect.
  • The <html> element will contain all of your HTML code.
  • Information about the web page, like the title, belongs within the <head> of the page.
  • You can add a title to your web page by using the <title> element, inside of the head.
  • A webpage’s title appears in a browser’s tab.
  • Anchor tags (<a>) are used to link to internal pages, external pages or content on the same page.
  • You can create sections on a webpage and jump to them using <a> tags and adding ids to the elements you wish to jump to.
  • Whitespace between HTML elements helps make code easier to read while not changing how elements appear in the browser.
  • Indentation also helps make code easier to read. It makes parent-child relationships visible.
  • Comments are written in HTML using the following syntax: <!-- comment -->.



Monday, September 30, 2019

Coding Day 6

Day 5

Things I learned

  • HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is used to create the structure and content of a webpage.
  • Most HTML elements contain opening and closing tags with raw text or other HTML tags between them.
  • HTML elements can be nested inside other elements. The enclosed element is the child of the enclosing parent element.
  • Any visible content should be placed within the opening and closing <body> tags.
  • Headings and sub-headings, <h1> to <h6> tags, are used to enlarge text.
  • <p><span> and <div> tags specify text or blocks.
  • The <em> and <strong> tags are used to emphasize text.
  • Line breaks are created with the <br> tag.
  • Ordered lists (<ol>) are numbered and unordered lists (<ul>) are bulleted.
  • Images (<img>) and videos (<video>) can be added by linking to an existing source.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Coding Day 5

Day 5

Today we created a list of favorite foods with the new codes we learnt
fill(___, ___, ___);
text("Text", ___, ___, ___, ___);


Thursday, September 26, 2019

Coding Day 4

Day 4

Tasty Tomato
Making and coding this was pretty easy over all

Mouse Movement Mania
Simplistic and fun to play around with

Brown Bear
They gave me the format preset while I tweaked it to change everything accordingly depending on the face size.

What I Learned
  • draw = function() {
  • mouseClicked = function() {
  • mouseOver = function() {

Text and Strings

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Coding Day 3

Day 3
Today I created parting clouds and a exploding sun animation using
  • ___ = ___ + ___
  • var leftX = ___;
  • var rightX = ___;

Exploding Sun

Parting Clouds

Tomorrow's project
Interactive Programs

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Coding Day 2

Day 2

Today we created a Bucktooth Bunny and a Funky Frog

Bucktooth Bunny

Funky Frog

Today I learnt..
  • var ______ =  ______
  • Eclipse (#, #, x, y) 
Tomorrow I will be working on..

Animation Basics

Monday, September 23, 2019

Coding Day 1

Day 1
Created a snowman in Khan Academy JS Drawing and Animation very easy to follow and very simple to code and their explanation was very easy to understand, but I would like something a bit more challenging to code.

Things I Learned Today..
  • rect(___, ___, ___, ___);q
  • ellipse(___, ___, ___, ___);
  • line(___, ___, ___, ___);
  • background(___, ___, ___);
  • fill(___, ___, ___);
  • // Text ( to organize your codes)
Tomorrow I will be working on 
