Monday, September 30, 2019

Coding Day 6

Day 5

Things I learned

  • HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is used to create the structure and content of a webpage.
  • Most HTML elements contain opening and closing tags with raw text or other HTML tags between them.
  • HTML elements can be nested inside other elements. The enclosed element is the child of the enclosing parent element.
  • Any visible content should be placed within the opening and closing <body> tags.
  • Headings and sub-headings, <h1> to <h6> tags, are used to enlarge text.
  • <p><span> and <div> tags specify text or blocks.
  • The <em> and <strong> tags are used to emphasize text.
  • Line breaks are created with the <br> tag.
  • Ordered lists (<ol>) are numbered and unordered lists (<ul>) are bulleted.
  • Images (<img>) and videos (<video>) can be added by linking to an existing source.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Coding Day 5

Day 5

Today we created a list of favorite foods with the new codes we learnt
fill(___, ___, ___);
text("Text", ___, ___, ___, ___);


Thursday, September 26, 2019

Coding Day 4

Day 4

Tasty Tomato
Making and coding this was pretty easy over all

Mouse Movement Mania
Simplistic and fun to play around with

Brown Bear
They gave me the format preset while I tweaked it to change everything accordingly depending on the face size.

What I Learned
  • draw = function() {
  • mouseClicked = function() {
  • mouseOver = function() {

Text and Strings

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Coding Day 3

Day 3
Today I created parting clouds and a exploding sun animation using
  • ___ = ___ + ___
  • var leftX = ___;
  • var rightX = ___;

Exploding Sun

Parting Clouds

Tomorrow's project
Interactive Programs

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Coding Day 2

Day 2

Today we created a Bucktooth Bunny and a Funky Frog

Bucktooth Bunny

Funky Frog

Today I learnt..
  • var ______ =  ______
  • Eclipse (#, #, x, y) 
Tomorrow I will be working on..

Animation Basics

Monday, September 23, 2019

Coding Day 1

Day 1
Created a snowman in Khan Academy JS Drawing and Animation very easy to follow and very simple to code and their explanation was very easy to understand, but I would like something a bit more challenging to code.

Things I Learned Today..
  • rect(___, ___, ___, ___);q
  • ellipse(___, ___, ___, ___);
  • line(___, ___, ___, ___);
  • background(___, ___, ___);
  • fill(___, ___, ___);
  • // Text ( to organize your codes)
Tomorrow I will be working on 
